"The future hasn't happened yet and never will" – James Burke
I went to UX Brighton today which reminded me to post one of my favourite quotes from James Burke's dConstruct 2012 talk 'Admiral Shovel and the Toilet Roll'.
Anyway, back to the future (I couldn't resist!). No matter what we predict, the reality won't be exactly the same when we get there. How can it be? The future is shaped by the past and inevitably there are unexpected twists and turns along the way that change the future before it happens.
The future won't be what it used to be.
Or something like that... it's getting quite late and it's been a long week!
The image used in this post is from Seb Lee-Delisle's session: Pixels, People and Play. Seb never fails to impress and this year was no exception as we were treated to PixelPyros and we had a whole lot of fun with glow-sticks!