Take it, feel it and pass it on

My favourite quote from The History Boys written by Alan Bennett

"Pass the parcel. That's sometimes all you can do. Take it, feel it and pass it on. Not for me, not for you, but for someone, somewhere, one day. Pass it on, boys. That's the game I want you to learn. Pass it on." – Hector

Great stories last.

Storytelling is a way of passing on knowledge, culture and traditions and it happens all over the world. Human beings were telling stories with words, sounds, gestures and pictures before we knew how to write. That's pretty amazing.

Hello Wordpress

wordpress-home-2 Welcome to my new home.

My Posterous blog will be closing down soon so I needed to find a new home. WordPress scared me initially as for some reason I thought that I had to install it and I hit a brick wall when got to the 'Famous 5 Minute Installation' that quite frankly gave me nightmares. After a bit more looking around I realised that installation this was not necessary (d'oh) so this time I just picked a template (which itself took days) and here I am.

After a bit of tinkering around I have setup this blog, added some sidebar widgets (using a nice drag and drop interface), created my very own Gravatar, added content to the 'About Me' page which was straightforward and now I'm writing this.

I don't do resolutions as I don't find them very fulfilling but I do try to set myself goals and one of my goals is to get better at writing which was the reason for setting up a blog in the first place. I want to write more like I think. In my head words and sentences flow clearly but I often hesitate and stumble when it comes to writing them down. I write, edit, re-write and re-edit.

As such I am going to take this new start as an opportunity to write more and publish more (I have a lot of draft posts yet to see the light of day). I might even get a bit more personal.

Next up I need to back up and import my Posterous blog and then point my personal domain to this blog. Oh, and I need to work out how to turn off hyphenation... Fingers crossed!

Goodbye Posterous

Sadly Posterous will turn off on April 30. I remember back in 2010 wanting to improve my writing and thinking that blogging would be a good way to go about it but I was unsure how to set one up so my colleague Gavin simply sent an email to post[at...

RunKeeper - Be goal oriented

A great design for an empty state on the RunKeeper iPhone app before you have set yourself any goals... climb a mountain and reach for the cake! Having neglected my RunKeeper app for a while (and running in general) I am back using it again and I'...