Welcome to my new home.
My Posterous blog will be closing down soon so I needed to find a new home. WordPress scared me initially as for some reason I thought that I had to install it and I hit a brick wall when got to the 'Famous 5 Minute Installation' that quite frankly gave me nightmares. After a bit more looking around I realised that installation this was not necessary (d'oh) so this time I just picked a template (which itself took days) and here I am.
After a bit of tinkering around I have setup this blog, added some sidebar widgets (using a nice drag and drop interface), created my very own Gravatar, added content to the 'About Me' page which was straightforward and now I'm writing this.
I don't do resolutions as I don't find them very fulfilling but I do try to set myself goals and one of my goals is to get better at writing which was the reason for setting up a blog in the first place. I want to write more like I think. In my head words and sentences flow clearly but I often hesitate and stumble when it comes to writing them down. I write, edit, re-write and re-edit.
As such I am going to take this new start as an opportunity to write more and publish more (I have a lot of draft posts yet to see the light of day). I might even get a bit more personal.
Next up I need to back up and import my Posterous blog and then point my personal domain to this blog. Oh, and I need to work out how to turn off hyphenation... Fingers crossed!